List of Contributors ix

Foreword xxiii
Jeffrey Young

Acknowledgments xxv

Part I An Introduction to Schema Therapy 1

Chapter 1: Schema Therapy in Historical Perspective 3
David Edwards and Arnoud Arntz

Chapter 2: Theoretical Model: Schemas, Coping Styles, and Modes 27
Hannie van Genderen, Marleen Rijkeboer, and Arnoud Arntz

Chapter 3: A New Look at Core Emotional Needs 41
George Lockwood and Poul Perris

Part II The Indication Process in Schema Therapy 67

Chapter 1: The Case Formulation Process in Schema Therapy of Chronic Axis I Disorder (Affective/Anxiety Disorder) 69
Asle Hoffart

Chapter 2: Schema Therapy for Narcissism – A Case Study 81
Wendy Behary

Chapter 3: Assessment for Schema Therapy 91
Anoek Weertman and Hilde de Saeger

Chapter 4: The Use of Experiential Techniques for Diagnostics 101
Anoek Weertman

Chapter 5: Clinical Use of Schema Inventories 111
Alexandra Sheffield and Glenn Waller

Chapter 6: Case Conceptualization in Schema Therapy 125
Hannie van Genderen

Part III Schema Therapy Techniques 143

Chapter 1: Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders: A Case Study Illustration of the Mode Approach 145
Susan Simpson

Chapter 2: Treating OCD with the Schema Mode Model 173
Ellen Gross, Nicola Stelzer, and Gitta Jacob

Chapter 3: Techniques within Schema Therapy 185
Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen, Josephine Bloo, and Suzanne Haeyen

Chapter 4: On Speaking One's Mind: Using ChairWork Dialogues in Schema Therapy 197
Scott Kellogg

Chapter 5: Schema Therapy and the Role of Joy and Play 209
George Lockwood and Ida Shaw

Chapter 6: Schema Therapy, Mindfulness, and ACT – Differences and Points of Contact 229
Erwin Parfy

Chapter 7: Why Are Mindfulness and Acceptance Central Elements for Therapeutic Change in Schema Therapy Too?: An Integrative Perspective 239
Eckhard Roediger

Chapter 8: Mindfulness and ACT as Strategies to Enhance the Healthy Adult Mode: The Use of the Mindfulness Flash Card as an Example 249
Pierre Cousineau

Chapter 9: Teaching Mindfulness Meditation within a Schema Therapy Framework 259
David Bricker and Miriam Labin

Chapter 10: Schema-Focused Mindfulness: an Eight-Session Protocol 271
Michiel van Vreeswijk and Jenny Broersen

Chapter 11: The Impact of Measuring: Therapy Results and Therapeutic Alliance 283
Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen, and Philip Spinhoven

Part IV Schema Therapy Settings and Patient Populations 299

Chapter 1: Inpatient Schema Therapy for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder – a Case Study 301
Neele Reiss, Gitta Jacob, and Joan Farrell

Chapter 2: Individual Schema Therapy: Practical Experience with Adults 311
Pien van den Kieboom and Daan Jonker

Chapter 3: Schema Therapy for Couples: Healing Partners in a Relationship 323
Travis Atkinson

Chapter 4: Introduction to Group Schema Therapy 337
Joan Farrell

Chapter 5: Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder Patients: Catalyzing Schema and Mode Change 341
Joan Farrell, Ida Shaw, and Neele Reiss

Chapter 6: Implementation of Schema Therapy in an Inpatient and Day Treatment Group Setting 359
Eelco Muste

Chapter 7: Schema Therapy in Groups: A Short-Term Schema CBT Protocol 373
Jenny Broersen and Michiel van Vreeswijk

Chapter 8: Schema Therapy in a Psychodynamic Group 383
Helga Aalders and Janie van Dijk

Chapter 9: Schema Therapy in Adolescents 391
Maryke Geerdink, Erik Jongman, and Agnes Scholing

Chapter 10: Schema Therapy for Cluster C Personality Disorders 397
Arnoud Arntz

Chapter 11: Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders and Addiction 415
Truus Kersten

Chapter 12: Schema Therapy in Forensic Settings 425
David Bernstein, Marije Keulen-de Vos, Philip Jonkers, Ellen de Jonge, and Arnoud Arntz

Part V The Therapist: Training, Supervision, and Self-Care in Schema Therapy 439

Chapter 1: Training for and Registrations of Schema Therapists 441
Marjon Nadort, Hannie van Genderen, and Wendy Behary

Chapter 2: Training and Supervision in Schema Therapy 453
Marjon Nadort, Hannie van Genderen, and Wendy Behary

Chapter 3: The Schema Mode Model in Personal Therapy 463
Gitta Jacob

Chapter 4: Therapist Self-Care in the Context of Limited Reparenting 473
Poul Perris, Heather Fretwell, and Ida Shaw

Part VI Research in Schema Therapy 493

Chapter 1: Effectiveness Studies 495
Lotte Bamelis, Josephine Bloo, David Bernstein, and Arnoud Arntz

Chapter 2: Experimental Studies of Schema Modes 511
Jill Lobbestael

Chapter 3: Experimental Studies for Schemas 519
Simkje Sieswerda

Chapter 4: Validation of the Young Schema Questionnaire 531
Marleen Rijkeboer

Chapter 5: Validation of the Schema Mode Inventory 541
Jill Lobbestael

Part VII Implementation and Public Relations in Schema Therapy 553

Chapter 1: Implementation of Schema Therapy in General Mental Healthcare Institutes 555
Marjon Nadort

Chapter 2: Using ST Principles to Increase the Therapeutic Effi cacy of the Forensic Care Team's Interactions with Personality Disordered Clients 569
Naomi Murphy, Des McVey, and Geoff Hopping

Chapter 3: Implementation of Schema Therapy in de Rooyse Wissel Forensic Psychiatric Center 579
Truus Kersten and Lieda van de Vis

Chapter 4: Cost-Effectiveness of Schema Therapy 585
Thea van Asselt and Josephine Bloo

Chapter 5: Public Relations for Schema Therapy 599
Michiel van Vreeswijk, Marjon Nadort, and Jenny Broersen

Chapter 6: Concluding Thoughts 609
Michiel van Vreeswijk, Jenny Broersen, and Marjon Nadort

Author Index 611

Subject Index – Schema Therapy 627

  • Formate: epub
  • ISBN: 9781118332290
  • Autor: Marjon Nadort
  • EAN: 9781118332290
  • Buchtyp: E-book
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM
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The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy
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