Inspired and motivated by love this author's poetry certainly shows the romantic nature of love shared between husband and wife, the lonliness and support for a husband who works on the sea as a fisherman, a job that keeps him away quite often. Although it is trying at times the empty feelings of being alone is shown in the authors words as a love letter to her husband, letting him know that no matter how far apart they are, or for however long he is away for that she will be waiting for him always, with more love to show and give because in their hearts they truly believe that the absence makes their love stronger and in their case it seems to work. This book consists of various poems, the author shows a part of herself in each poem. From writing about her husband, children, family and friendships, to writing about the loss of loved ones the author seems to paint a vivid picture within her poetry about her surroundings of the place she lives in, a place named Labrador. You can almost picture it in your mind as you read them. From details of feeling the moisture of an ocean mist on your face to feeling the breezes of a summer's wind gently breathing on your skin, it makes you wish to be at the very place the author speaks of. Speaking from her heart, this author certainly shows the beauty and love within her poetry.
  • Formate: epub
  • ISBN: 9781499039344
  • Verlag: XLIBRIS US
  • EAN: 9781499039344
  • Buchtyp: E-book
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM
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