
Quantify and predict the true business benefit of learning and development

For decades, human resource management was more of an art than a science. Now, Developing Human Capital is guiding the transition to “big data.” In today’s business environment, human capital is the golden ticket to competitive success, and we now have access to mountains of data to help make the right decisions to build performance. It’s time to quantify the impact of learning and development investment. In this excellent addition to the respected Wiley & SAS Business Series, you’ll learn what to measure, when to measure it, and what to do with the data once you have it.

This book shows that human capital analytics really works. Short case studies from heavy hitters across industries show how businesses are already going beyond ROI to measure the real impact of L&D investments. As you read through Developing Human Capital, you’ll acquire the knowledge you need to build a measurement plan and align it with strategic goals. Using advanced analytics tools, you’ll be able to dig down to the hard evidence that supports those crucial L&D expenditures.

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: predictive analytics and big data are the future of business. Why should human capital be any exception? It is now possible to measure nearly all aspects of the learning process. With the tools in Developing Human Capital, you can create a map to maximized potential for every employee. Read this book to learn the language of tech-driven, data-driven analytics, and translate that language into better human capital investments.

  • Formate: pdf
  • ISBN: 9781118910887
  • Verlag: WILEY
  • Autor: Lew Walker
  • EAN: 9781118910887
  • Buchtyp: E-book
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM
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Developing Human Capital
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